Student’s Forename*
Student’s Surname*
Date of Birth*
gender* Male Female
Nationality* -- Select One or Many -- Afghan Albanian Algerian American Andorran Angolan Antiguans Argentinean Armenian Australian Austrian Azerbaijani Bahamian Bahraini Bangladeshi Barbadian Barbudans Batswana Belarusian Belgian Belizean Beninese Bhutanese Bolivian Bosnian Brazilian British Bruneian Bulgarian Burkinabe Burmese Burundian Cambodian Cameroonian Canadian Cape Verdean Central African Chadian Chilean Chinese Colombian Comoran Congolese Costa Rican Croatian Cuban Cypriot Czech Danish Djibouti Dominican Dutch East Timorese Ecuadorean Egyptian Emirian Equatorial Guinean Eritrean Estonian Ethiopian Fijian Filipino Finnish French Gabonese Gambian Georgian German Ghanaian Greek Grenadian Guatemalan Guinea-Bissauan Guinean Guyanese Haitian Herzegovinian Honduran Hungarian Icelander Indian Indonesian Iranian Iraqi Irish Israeli Italian Ivorian Jamaican Japanese Jordanian Kazakhstani Kenyan Kittian and Nevisian Kuwaiti Kyrgyz Laotian Latvian Lebanese Liberian Libyan Liechtensteiner Lithuanian Luxembourger Macedonian Malagasy Malawian Malaysian Maldivan Malian Maltese Marshallese Mauritanian Mauritian Mexican Micronesian Moldovan Monacan Mongolian Moroccan Mosotho Motswana Mozambican Namibian Nauruan Nepalese New Zealander Ni-Vanuatu Nicaraguan Nigerien North Korean Northern Irish Norwegian Omani Pakistani Palauan Panamanian Papua New Guinean Paraguayan Peruvian Polish Portuguese Qatari Romanian Russian Rwandan Saint Lucian Salvadoran Samoan San Marinese Sao Tomean Saudi Scottish Senegalese Serbian Seychellois Sierra Leonean Singaporean Slovakian Slovenian Solomon Islander Somali South African South Korean Spanish Sri Lankan Sudanese Surinamer Swazi Swedish Swiss Syrian Taiwanese Tajik Tanzanian Thai Togolese Tongan Trinidadian or Tobagonian Tunisian Turkish Tuvaluan Ugandan Ukrainian Uruguayan Uzbekistani Venezuelan Vietnamese Welsh Yemenite Zambian Zimbabwean
Student’s Hobbies/interests*
Student’s Full Address: Liberia & Overseas(if Any)*
The school’s only form of communication is through emails; kindly fill in all email addresses you can be reached on: (red star) In case of an emergency, kindly fill in the contacts (by priority)
Father’s Forename*
Father’s Surname*
Email address*
Telephone Numbers*
Emergency call*
Full Home Address*
Mother’s Forename*
Mother’s Surname*
Telephone numbers*
You must inform us immediately if there are any changes in your address or phone numbers.
Forename / Name
Previous / current school
Start Date*
School’s Full Address*
Telephone Number*
Email Address*
Contact at previous / Current school. E.g. Head of Department*
Date of leaving previous school *
Current Class* Select Current Class Nursery KG1 KG2 KG3 G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 G7 G8 G9 G10 G11 G12
Has your child been out of education for more than 3 months
Does your child have a Statement of Special Educational Needs
Does your child speak fluent English?
If NO: What is your child’s first language?
Indicate any medical problems by placing a circle around the appropriate condition.
Condition Asthma
Bladder Problems
Chest Problems
Kidney Complaints
Sting Allergy
Gastric Problems
Hearing Impairment
Hay Fever
Speech Impairment
Migraine / Headaches
Nut Allergy
Pills / Medicine Carried
Skin Complaints
Heart Problems
Vision Impairment
Walking Problems
Other description and any additional medical data:
Description of steps to be taken in such an event:
Please note that any medication to be administered during school hours must be accompanied with a signed note, outlining dosage instructions, etc.
Doctor’s Name
Doctor’s Telephone Number
Doctor’s Address
Please be officially notified that during the school day or any activities organized by the school, accidents may occur. The local insurance provided by the school would only cover medical issues in Liberia. (ask jenny)
Any Comments?
Please Attach all Needed Documents Here. For more Info Click Here.
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